
‘I have 13 years of competitive experience in artistic gymnastics. My most significant achievement is a Finnish Championship bronze medal in the junior division. I have a good amount of coaching experience despite my ‘young’ age. In the autumn I started my 18th year as a coach. 

I have coached athletes in a variety of different sports, my main focus being gymnastics, callisthenics and almost any sport where understanding biomechanics is an advantage. 

I have coached athletes in the following sports: Competitive aerobics, football, ice hockey, motocross, diving, crossfit, artistic gymnastics, etc.

I am a demanding and strict coach, but my main focus is on making sure all training is done safely and that enthusiasm for the sport is encouraged through learning new things. I myself had to end my gymnastics career due to an injury, so I have taken it upon myself to ensure that in the future, more athletes can end their sports careers because they want to and not because they are forced to do so.’